Psoriasis is a long-term, virtually incurable, non-contagious disease. It mainly affects the skin, nails and joints. Psoriasis can occur in a person at any age, even in children.
There are several theories about the cause of psoriasis:
- Theory of neurogenic disorders;
- Theory on the problems of the endocrine system;
- The theory of viral disorders or the theory of metabolic disorders.
But none of these theories have been practically scientifically proven. To date, scientists have come to the conclusion that the onset of the disease is influenced by heredity or genetic predisposition of a person to pathological changes in skin cells.
These cells form in the basal layer and, reaching the outer stratum corneum, form scales. The genetic factor proves the presence of the disease in relatives. In other words: if your loved ones suffer from psoriasis, then it can appear in you or your children.
Factors affecting the onset of psoriasis
The following factors affect the appearance of psoriasis:
- Nervous breakdowns;
- Mental and physical shock, overload of the body;
- Diseases of the endocrine system;
- Biochemical and enzymatic disorders;
- Hypothermia of the body;
- Decreased immunity.
It is difficult to identify and confirm the cause of this disease. They often say that the disease appeared for no apparent reason.
What type of disease is psoriasis: how is it manifested?
With this disease, papules and plaques appear on the skin. The plaques are very limited, compacted spots on the skin of a pinkish or reddish tint with small, clear scales. The plates have different shapes, but they are more often round or oval. They can be located anywhere on the human body, but are more often seen on large joints, on the sacrum and lower back, under the hair of the head.
Psoriatic papules are characterized by rapid growth with the formation of plaques of several centimeters, which then merge into large skin lesions.
How is psoriasis diagnosed?
The following indicators are important for diagnosis:
- If you try to scratch the papule, the scales are easily sprinkled, a "stearin stain" is formed.
- A reddish shiny surface appears on the skin - the terminal film of the stain;
- If you continue to scratch the stain, a point bleeding appears on its surface - "dew of blood".
Stages of psoriasis
For disease-related rashes, the following stages of development are characteristic:
- Progressive stage (appearance of small papules, which develop over time and merge into larger ones);
- Stationary stage (plaques grow and do not change for some time);
- Regressive stage (the rash becomes paler, thins and disappears from the surface of the skin).
Depending on the condition of the body, the disease can last for a very long time.
For the first stage of the rash, the Kebner effect is characteristic: new psoriatic lesions appear at the site of damaged skin after about a week.
During the period of remission on the skin at the elbow or knee joints, isolated so-called "duty" plaques may remain.
Types of psoriasis
There are several types of disease:
- Exudative form: with it swelling and shine of papules with yellowish crusts on their surface are expressed;
- Follicular form: small papules are located at the level of the follicular orifices;
- Palmoplantar form of psoriasis: with it, the skin on the soles of the feet and palms is covered with cracks and scales, psoriatic plaques are visible on them;
- Seborrheic psoriasis: localized mainly on the scalp;
- Psoriatic erythroderma. In this form, the disease is very difficult, the entire surface of the skin is affected by psoriasis, the peripheral lymph nodes increase, fever, itching, sleep disturbances appear, changes in the blood and urineare observed;
- Arthropathic psoriasis: affects and deforms the joints, restricting their movement. It is characterized by severe pain and swelling in the area of the affected joint. It is a very painful form of psoriasis which often results in disability.

In all forms of psoriasis, a change in the nails is observed: they become cloudy, thicken, and small spots appear in them, as if they were pricked with a needle.
The disease lasts for many years with periods of deterioration and improvement in health, it is characterized by seasonality: exacerbation by cold and remission by the hot season.
Psoriasis treatment
Psoriasis should be treated under the supervision of a physician in the dermatology department. Treatment is prescribed by optimally combining therapeutic drugs with ointments and physiotherapy, as well as limiting animal fats and carbohydrates in food, alcohol and spicy foods.
Patients must be under the supervision of a dispensary by a doctor and they require annual thermal treatment. With psoriasis, it is recommended to visit radon sources and hydrogen sulfide baths, swim in the sea and sunbathe.